The importance of Fajr prayer

Mourning Muharram

The importance of Fajr prayer in the morning.
The importance of Fajr prayer in the morning.

The importance of Fajr prayer in the morning.

Hazrat Imam Zafar Sadiq AS was asked,

‘Why will the livelihood of the people of the

las t ag e be


 He said:

Bec ause their

pray ers will be

made up.

O nce







of Im am Zafar Sadiq (AS) and said,

‘I have committed a sin.’

He said, “Allah Almighty will forgive.”

The man said, ‘The sin I have committed is great!’

The Imam (AS) said, “Even if it is equal to a mountain, Allah will forgive it.”

The man says again, ‘My sin is too great!’

He asks,

‘B u t what sin have you committed?’

The m an the n explained his sin to the Imam.

W h en



speech was over,

he addressed the man and said,

‘Allah  will st ill fo rgive,

I was afraid that you did not make up the morning prayer.’

~ Sim ilarly, Aya toll ah Haji She ikh Hass an Ali Isfah ani (known as Nakhodki) bequeathed to his s on,

‘If a per s o n performs spiritual practice and worship for forty days and

o nce his

morning prayer is made up,

the result of forty days of worship and spiritual practice will become insignificant!’

 Jihad Bin Nafs Volume 1 Page 66 …

 Osailush Shia Volume 3 Page 156 …

 Biharul Anwar Volume 8 Page 73 …


Fiction, a reality about the events of Ashura 


the month of Muharram arrives, the enemies of the Ahl al-Bayt are as upset as

the Ahl al-Bayt lovers.

They bring to the fore various myths to downplay the tragic events

that took place on the Maidan of Karbala on the day of Ashura. For exa mple,

on the 10th of Muharram, Allah created this world, created the Prophet Adam (peace be upon him)

and united him with the Prophet Eve (peace be upon him)!

On this day the flood of Noah (peace be upon him)

ended and Noah (peace be upon him)

‘s ship stopped at the mountain called’ Judi ‘in Turkey.

O n this day,

Hazrat Ibrahim AS) was safely

released from the fire

of the tyrant king Nimrod.

The importance of Fajr prayer in the morning.

O n th is d a y Ha zrat Yunus AS was

released from the stomach of a fish.

On this day Hazrat Ayub AS



t his da y Hazrat Sulaiman as regained his lost kingdom.

On this day,

Hazrat Yaqub AS got back his lost

son Hazrat Yusuf AS after 40 years.

The Pharaoh’s army that came to chase Hazrat Musa (AS) drowned in the sea on this day.

On this day Jesus (pbuh was born and on this day

he was

taken up

from the

earth to heaven.

Two and a half thousand prophets were born on this day.

After telling this good news,


is said


the incident




took pla ce on th is day of 61 AH.

In their eyes,


is a happy




cannot be

expressed on this day.

The tragic event of Karbala on the day of Ashura is

historically proven.




facts proven?

The creation of the world, the birth of Adam (peace be upon him) –

did Allah Almighty mention the date of these events in the Holy Quran? No, didn’t.

If the Hijri year had not been




migration of Prophet Muhammad

(peace be upon him), then who gave the information that so many

important events took place on the day of Ashura? These are the manipulations of the Umayyads.

The importance of Fajr prayer in the morning.

The question is:

Why can’t those who have been able to calculate the date of all the great events from

the creation of the earth so accurately according to the Hijri year calculate the exact date of birth

and death of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)?

There are many opinions about the birthday of the Prophet.

Some say that he came to earth on the 2nd of Rabiul Awal.

Many say that 8, 12 or 17 Rabiul Awal Nabiji was born. 9, 10

Rabiul Awal also has a strong opinion.

There is also

disagreement about the date of death of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Some say 28 Safar, some say 1 Rabiul Awal,

some say 2 Rabiul Awal and most say 12 Rabiul Awal.

The importance of Fajr prayer in the morning.

Now tell me- why did those who could not agree on the date of birth and death of

the Prophet accept the events b e fore the day of Ashura without any document?

There is only one reas on for this –

to cover up the tragic events of Karbala and not to let people know about the misdeeds of

the sinful Yazidis.

B u t


matter how many

conspiracies are


people will speak out against the misdeeds of the Umayyads, including Yazid,

u n t il

the Day of Resurrection.

The sacrifices of Imam Husain (as) and his companions and

the events of Karb

ala can never be


The virtue of crying for Imam Hussain (AS)!

1. Imam Reza (AS) said, “O Ibn Shabir, if you cry for Imam Husain (AS) and tears flow on your face,

t h e n



forgive you

all your sins,

big or small,

more or less.”

2. Imam Bakr (AS) said, “Whoever sheds tears for Imam Husain (AS) and sheds tears on his face, Allah will give him a place in heaven.”

3. Imam Sadiq (AS) said that whoever cries for Imam Husain (AS) or tries to make others cry or try to cry, Allah will make heaven obligatory for him.

4. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)


“On the Day of Resurrection,


will weep,

b ut


who weep for



in the world will be overjoyed on that day.” Praise be to Allaah.

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