How Omar R was saved from a severe plague

How Omar R was saved from a severe plague
Hazrat Omar’s decision to survive the severe epidemic.
Hazrat Omar (R) went out to visit Sam for the second time and when he reached there he heard that the plague had spread. It first spread to a region in the middle of Palestine called Amwas or Imwas spread from there. And it is slowly spreading.
In 1967, Israel completely destroyed the Imoas region and created a park there called Canada Park. And the park was built with funding from the Canada-based Jewish Fund.
When the plague was slowly spreading, narrated from Abdullah bin Abbas, Omar bin Khattab (R) went out for the purpose of Sam and when he came to the area called Sarg, he met Abu Ubaidah and other leaders. They informed Omar that there was a plague in the area.
Hearing their words, Omar (R) told me to call the emigrants of the first stage of Islam. Omar (ra) called one by one the Ansar Muhajir and the elder Companions of the Quraish dynasty. At first he called the emigrants and consulted with them but there was disagreement among them. Asked for their opinion, many said that we have come with an important purpose and we will go back from there. They said, “You will not go back in this state.” Omar (may Allah be pleased with him) told everyone to go back.
He then called the Ansar and, after consulting them, asked them to leave. Seeing that they were also in disagreement like the Muhajirs, he told them to leave.
How Omar R was saved from a severe plague
Then he called the old Muhajireen Companions of the Quraish dynasty, but he saw among them that they did not disagree. They said, “You don’t throw people into this epidemic, but take them back. That’s what we think is appropriate.”
After a while, Hazrat Omar (R) announced that I will leave. On hearing the news that you should leave, Hazrat Abu Ubaida (R) said that you are deviating from the destiny of Allah. Why didn’t Hazrat Omar (may Allah be pleased with him) like to say this? He disliked him as much as he disliked him so he said Abu Ubaidah if anyone would say such a thing except you.
Hazrat Omar Abu Ubaidah replied, “Yes, I am fleeing from one destiny of Allah to another, as if you have many. You have come to a valley, a fertile desert on one side and a dry desert on the other.” If you graze camels at the fertile end, will you not rely on the destiny of Allah, and if you graze the camel at the dry end, will you not rely on the destiny of Allah?
Meanwhile, another Companion, Hazrat Abdur Rahman bin Auf (R) was out for a while. Then when he came to meet his need, he said to Hazrat Omar (may Allah be pleased with him), “I have knowledge of this matter.” I heard the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say that if you hear of an outbreak of plague in any area, you will not enter it, and if it is, you will not leave it. Hadrat ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) heard this and said, “Alhamdulillah, everyone has returned.” (Bukhari Hadith 5729)
How Omar R was saved from a severe plague
Hadrat ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) found out again that the plague had reached its climax, so he wanted to bring back General Abu Ubaidah (may Allah be pleased with him). Then write a letter to him. May peace be upon you. I want to tell you directly about your need, so I am telling you very seriously. The letter will not leave your hand before you leave for my purpose after reading my letter. If the letter arrives at night, it will start its journey before morning and if it arrives during the day, it will start its journey before evening.
And when Hazrat Abu Ubaidah (may Allah be pleased with him) received the letter. When he read the letter and understood the purpose, he apologized to Hazrat Omar (may Allah be pleased with him). And he said, O Amir al-mu’minin, I understand your need, so forgive me, I am now in the Muslim army and I do not want to leave them.
Allah will judge between me and everyone. Then he asked me to release him from his decision and said: Leave me with the army. Hadrat ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) cried. Hazrat Abu Ubaidah (may Allah be pleased with him) was martyred while eating and then crying. He answered and said to him that he was killed yallahu have not yet, but soon will be killed. Then the news came to Hadrat ‘Umar that Abu Ubaidah had died of the plague. (Collected by Al Bidaya wan Nihaya)
How Omar R was saved from a severe plague
May Allah give us all the correct understanding and let us not do the same from this coronavirus but stay in our respective places and keep everyone safe. And if we ask Allah for help, this is how we can survive. May Allah protect us all from this epidemic.