God is more pleased with any work of the servant?

God is more pleased with any work of the servant?
Allah is more pleased with the prostration of His slave and He has bestowed innumerable blessings in this prostration.
Gabriel (peace be upon him) was made by Allah Ta’ala.
Jibraeel (peace be upon him)
asked Allah Ta’ala,
“Allah, what makes you happy?” Allah Ta’ala said,
“I am happiest when my servant prostrates before me.”
Then Gabriel
(peace be upon him)
prostrated to Allah Ta’ala for 30,000 years.
Gabriel (peace be upon him)
noticed in his mind that no one else in the world
would be able to do such a long and expensive prostration.
Allah Ta’ala will surely be pleased with me.
Gabriel (peace be upon him) turned to Allah Ta’ala, but there was no good news from Allah Ta’ala.
Gabriel (peace be upon him) asked Allah Ta’ala,
“Allah, I prostrated for so long.

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Allah Ta’ala said – Gabriel,
before I answer you,
look at Azim on the Throne.
Gabriel AS looked and saw that Allah Almighty is
written on the Throne by the mighty light of Allah
– “La ilaha illallah Muhammadur Rasoolullah”.
Gabriel (peace be upon him)
asked: O Allah!
What is the similarity of this Kalima with my prostration ?? Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): O Gabriel!
God is more pleased with any work of the servant???
I will make five obligatory prayers on the Ummah of this Prophet, and seventeen rak’ahs out of every five daily prayers will be obligatory for me. In each rak’ah there will be two prostrations and in each prostration the Ummah of that Prophet will recite “Subha-na Rabbiyal Ala-” .
Gabriel, you know that when the followers of my beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) prostrate and call me “Subha-na Rabbiyal ala”, Gabriel, you have prostrated for 30,000 years and you have received good deeds. Dib, Subhanallah … !!
God is more pleased with any work of the servant???
This is why Musa (AS) is crying, Allah !! Make me the ummah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) who took the virtue of the sixty thousand years of the life of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in one prostration.
What should we, the followers of that prophet, do and what are we doing …?
May Allah bless us to pray five times. Amen.,
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