Do you know Kantara?

Do you know Kantara?
Kantara is a check post. When a person gets the verdict of Paradise after settling his account for the rest of his life, this time he will run towards Paradise.
There will be a checkpoint in the middle.
There will be finishing what he did to the people there. He lied to someone in the world, gave money to someone, underestimated someone, slapped someone, abused someone, slandered someone, told someone that his head was all over. The front was bent; In short, it has hurt people unjustly.
As much as people have wronged people. When someone reaches a place called Kantara, he will see – all his creditors are waiting for him there!
And they will judge before Allah (SWT) that-
O Allah, this man slapped me unjustly. Someone will say that he borrowed my money and did not pay it. Someone will say that he spilled my blood. Someone will say that he made me small in the society with false accusations, I did not get justice/remedy.
Then Allah (SWT) will solve them in this station. Allah (SWT) will say, now with your deeds, you have given them the rewards of the Tahajjud that you have read, practiced the religion, performed Hajj-Umrah, Salat and Siam. The creditor will all be paid by his own deeds. At some point it will be seen that all his rewards are over, but the creditor is still there.
Then Allaah will judge that since there is nothing to give, now bear in mind the burden of their sins; then they will be lightened and will go to Paradise.
Do you know Kantara?
What will this man do then? In fact, he got the reward of going to Paradise. But by paying the debts of the injustices he has done to man, all his rewards will end and he will go to hell like a poor, helpless person with the burden of the sins of others on his head!
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said about this: “Do you know who is poor and miserable?” Then Sahabaye Keram said, we mean poor, helpless among us – who have no dinar, dirham/money.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said at that time:
Hajj-Umrah did everything. But slapped someone in the world, spilled blood, slandered someone, slapped someone’s money, etc. Allah will pay for their deeds on the day when He decides, and the burden of their sins when the deeds are over. This will be given to the head of the person. And helpless, destitute, he will be thrown into hell. “
The name of the place where this decision will take place is “Kantara.”
May Allah protect us all from the difficult situation of Kantara and grant us the grace so that we can repay the debts of the people in the world if we have any debt before death. May Allah protect us all, grant us the grace of understanding. May Allah forgive us all. Do it. Amen Ya Rabbul Alamin.