Women’s rights in the eyes of Islam Part 4

Women's rights in the eyes of Islam Part 4
Women’s rights in the eyes of Islam Part 4

Women’s rights in the eyes of Islam Part 4


It is obligatory for a woman whose husband has died to observe the waiting period for her death at the time prescribed by Islam, such as giving her antimony, perfume, henna, and wearing red and yellow clothes, and whatever makes her beautiful. Wearing something to lift. However, it is better to follow these customs according to one’s area. And at that time this custom of avoiding decoration is called hidad.

However, there is no difficulty in going out for shopping, keeping one’s body clean, combing one’s hair, cutting one’s nails, taking a bath, staying in a beautiful house, visiting one’s parents and going on Hajj. Because these will not fall under Hida.

If a woman has lost her husband and has small children, she should wait until her child grows up for a second marriage. However, if she realizes that waiting can lead to sin, then there is no problem for her to get married, but in some cases it becomes necessary and obligatory.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: On the Day of Resurrection, the three parties will find refuge in the shadow of the Throne of Allaah, when there will be no shadow except that shadow, and they are:

Women’s rights in the eyes of Islam Part 4

1. Those who observe ‘Cheleh Raheem’ i.e. seek out their relatives and especially see and hear their parents, increase their life expectancy and sustenance.

2. A woman whose husband dies and she has young children and she says because of these children that I will not marry, but if they die or Allah makes them rich, it is different.

3. If someone prepares food and feeds the guests and at the same time feeds the orphans and the needy in order to gain the pleasure of Allah.

Women’s rights in the eyes of Islam Part 4

(Since the subject of this book is a little different, we have given a very brief description of women’s rights. However, there is a special request to see the books written on this subject to know more about it.)

When Islam is compared with other religions, it is clear that Islam does not attach much importance to women’s rights. And this is why Imam Khomeini (ra) said: Allah knows that Islam has not done as much good to women as it has done to any man …. 57

What a Muslim woman must know

Translator: Mir Ashraf-ul-Alam


44. Nisa: 4.

45. Above: 20.

46. Baqarah: 237.

47. E ’Kabul A’ Maal, p. 649.

48. Nisa: 19.

49. Wasayelush Shia, 15th volume, p. 237.

50. Nisa: 7.

51. Nisa: 19.

52. Wasayelush Shia, 16th volume, p. 436.

53. Divorce: 6.

54. Tahrirul Wasilah – Hazrat Imam Khomeini (Rah.).

55. To know more about this, it is necessary to look at the books related to Masala Masail.

56. Nahjul Fasahah, p.248.

57. Women in the eyes of Imam Khomeini (ra), p. 5.

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